Hi, I’m Will.
Professionally, I’m a software engineer at Google NYC, working to bring AI to Google Docs. I’ve been with Google for seven years, and several projects, and am really happy with my job and my team.
It took some time to get here after college. I took a consulting job when I graduated, so I could move back in with my parents in D.C. It was a good first job, but I stayed too long; I was nervous about moving out, and didn’t acknowledge being bored until I was really bored. Five years in I jumped at the chance to work for Google.
Personally, I like photography, reading, writing, and uncomfortably hard workouts on video calls.
I fell away from long-form reading during the pandemic, but have started again recently, and just finished Interior Chinatown. My record for writing is a 20-page paper, achieved with difficulty during grad school; I haven’t worked up to writing a book yet ?
I also like video games, but I’m taking a break from them. I got back into reading about a week into this break and it feels like a good trade.
I’m Catholic. I entered the church shortly after I graduated from college. I’ve known I was Christian since college, but I wasn’t sure what sort of Christian I was meant to be for a while. A friend told me, “start with the church you would have grown up in,” so I did, and it eventually stuck. Later I learned Thomas Merton did this too.
Politically, you could say I’m a Christian democrat. Most Christian democrats in the U.S. join one of the major parties, and I’m no exception. Some time after I’d started working in big cities, and saw how many people were in need on the streets here, I realized that I could pray for everyone I saw easily enough, but could never feed them all on my own. Now I’m registered as a Democrat, vote for the Working Families Party, and campaign for candidates who will care for the poor.
This is a personal site; everything here is my opinion, and I do not speak for my employer.